Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 10, 2019

Top 10 things to do in Idaho Falls

Perched along the banks of the Snake River, on the eastern side of Idaho state in the USA is this city of multiple attractions and year-round activities – Idaho Falls.

Inhabited largely by the Mormon community, the city is rich in agricultural as well as cultural heritage and makes for an amazing destination for outdoor as well as indoor activities. Idaho Falls’s landscape is scenic, the food scene is formidable, and the vibe is warm. Right from scenic walking trails to fun-filled experiences, the city is a beautiful amalgamation of both. Go through our carefully curated list of things to do in Idaho Falls, Idaho, and tailor-make the perfect Idahoan getaway for yourself.

1. Visit the Museum of Idaho

Sitting amid the downtown’s hustle bustle is the Museum of Idaho, featuring more than 25,000 exhibits that encapsulate Idaho state’s cultural, natural, and historical roots. It is among the intermountain West’s premier museums and makes for a thoroughly fascinating experience. The highlights of the museum are the rotating exhibits that not only pique curiosity, but also satisfy it with in-depth information. The museum underwent a recent renovation, so it has made some pretty great additions to its kitty. The ‘Archimedes: Science and Innovations’ exhibit being one of them, takes you through the Greek mathematician’s work, legacy, and inventions. The museum is easily one of the most-visited spots in the town, so you’re likely to find it pretty packed at all times.

2. Tour the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho

Featuring five galleries, an interactive art area for children, and a dedicated workshop space, is the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, making for an affordable yet interesting outing in Idaho Falls. The museum is all about visual arts and innovative exhibits and it is the only one of its kind in all of eastern Idaho! Along with showcasing rotating art exhibits, the museum also has on display art pieces that belong to Idaho’s local artists. To help further the museum’s vision and promote the collaboration of individuals with art, the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho regularly hosts workshops and events that are pretty fun, so do consider attending one. The museum is accessed via the scenic Idaho Falls River Walk & Greenbelt (covered later).

3. Check out unusual artifacts at Collector Corner Museum

Housed in a one-storey building in Idaho Falls is this humble museum that often doesn’t find its way on people’s must-see lists, but we wonder why! Adding charm to cute collectables is the Collector Corner Museum in Idaho Falls. Among the many collectibles which you’ll find encased in the museum’s glass cabinets are coins, comic books, miniature dolls, model planes, toy pistols, and many other such things that almost give out an old-worldly vibe in today’s age of razzle and dazzle. And, no, the collectables are not only antiques, but they are also newer items. The most recent addition to their celebrity case is the Donald Trump doll!

4. Visit the animals at Idaho Falls Zoo in Tautphaus Park

Making for a hugely interesting experience is the Idaho Falls Zoo in Tautphaus Park. Among the largest and oldest parks in the city, Tautphaus Park’s central attraction is its zoo, which is home to more than 300 animals! Would you believe? The zoo is divided exhibit-wise, offering some of the most intriguing insights. Head over to listen to the laughing kookaburras at Australia & New Guinea exhibit or marvel at the Grant’s Zebra in the Africa exhibit. The Siberian (or Amur) Tigers at the Asia exhibit are an equally majestic sight and so are the many native species at the North America exhibit. Also, don’t forget to engage in chatter with the talkative flamingos at the South America exhibit. The Children’s Zoo brings together the world’s exotic farm animals in one exhibit, so don’t forget to head to that exhibit as well.

5. Enjoy a live performance at the Colonial Theater

Opened originally as a vaudeville theatre in 1919, the Colonial Theatre was and still is one of the foremost venues for live performances in the intermountain West. Currently part of the Willard Arts Center complex, the Colonial Theater hosts some 15 performances each year and sees thousands of patrons making it to enjoy the several shows. Check out their performance line-up online and catch one of the performances. They’re quite a treat!

6. View the artwork in ARTitorium on Broadway

No, it’s not your usual auditorium or museum, it’s ARTitorium, combining the best of technology, art, recreation, creativity, and learning! Primarily meant for kids up to 12 years of age, this recreational facility uses interactive exhibits, games, animations, collaborative murals, and installations to make learning all things fun for kids. The green screen area is quite a hit with kids, so do remember to head there. Along with this, the make-your-own-art area, the stop-frame animation area and the virtual art gallery are fun too. Although, keep note that the place gets pretty crowded, pretty quickly.

7. Go whitewater rafting on Snake River

Making for a stunning location for some water activities is Snake River, engulfed in the beauty of lush greenery and mountains. So, if you’re seeking some adrenaline-pumping activities in Idaho Falls, you’ve hit jackpot! Hitch yourself a whitewater rafting tour and negotiate the fun yet challenging rapids of the river. You may be a large group or a handful, the experience will be equally thrilling. The only thing being, you may have to travel a little outside of the city to get to the best of the spots. You’ll find plenty of raft companies to arrange the experience for you.

8. Go hiking with Wilderness Ridge Trail Llamas

Make it a day exploring parts of the Capitol Reef National Park, hiking and hitching rides on the backs of horses and llamas. Spanning some four hours, these trips cover some stunning spots of the national park, from where you can enjoy panoramic views of the American countryside. Worried about the animals? Don’t be! They’re well trained, gentle, and friendly, plus the guides ensure that all safety standards are met. You will be provided with all hiking gear and equipment on-site, and also some snacks if you get peckish along the way. If not, the longer day hikes, you can even opt in for the hour-long hikes or the overnight ones.

9. Marvel at the marine biodiversity at East Idaho Aquarium

Setup in 2013, the East Idaho Aquarium in Idaho Falls is truly worth a visit. Home to permanent exhibits of freshwater species and a shark tank, the aquarium makes for a truly intriguing place to learn about marine life. Why stop at seeing them through the glass? You can even reach out to touch some of them – the river fish, bearded dragons, stingrays, and many others. While you can touch most species effortlessly, others require the assistance of the staff to ensure safety. Watch out for the signs on the exhibits. This is a great indoor experience so don’t miss out on it.

10. Watch a baseball game at Melaleuca Field

Baseball and its fan following are big in Idaho Falls, so if you’re in town, there’s no way you shouldn’t also partake of some of that fanfare. Melaleuca Field is the home field of the Idaho Falls Chukars Minor League Baseball team. The stadium regularly hosts baseball games along with some local teams’ games as well. There’s ample seating in its large complex and also a souvenir shop to buy something for keepsake.

Here are a few more ideas for what to do in the area: Top 10 things to do in Galena IL

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