Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 10, 2019

Top 10 Things to Do in London in the Fall

London, the capital of England, is always a good place to make a trip, but it's a particularly lovely area to visit in the fall.

As the summer crowds disperse and the leaves turn yellow, the city's parks provide a colorful setting for autumn walks and cozy pubs that serve comfortable food. And the seasonal chill provides the perfect reason to take refuge in some of London's annual museums, galleries, film festivals and food and other attractions. And here are the top 10 Things to Do in London in the Fall.

1. Stroll Around a Park

London may seem leafless at first glance, but this is where eight royal parks cover 5,000 acres and some large open spaces such as Hampstead Heath and Clapham Common. Grab a coat, scarf, and hat and hunt for seed conkers from horse chestnut among brittle leaves. For spectacular autumn colors, head to Hyde Park to walk among more than 4,000 trees; Hampstead Heath to detect old oaks and maple trees; and Richmond Park to see the deer fighting with it during the breeding season.

2. Visit London's Museums at Night

Explore some of London's top museums after dark during October's Museums at Night weekend, a bi-annual event that encourages attractions to throw open their doors to showcase their treasures in quirky ways. Many of the venues are free to enter, but some of the special events may incur an additional fee.

3. Hunker Down in a Cozy Pub

'Tis the season to take shelter in a cozy pub with a mulled wine or a pint of ale by a crackling fire. History fans should check out the Spaniards Inn at the edge of Hampstead Heath, a 16th-century pub where Charles Dickens and John Keats used to drink, and the Mayflower. The Gun in Canary Wharf is home to cozy nooks and open fires, and the Ship Tavern in Holborn serves excellent roast dinners in its candle-lit dining room.

4. Tuck Into a Sunday Roast

Traditionally served on a Sunday, the roast dinner is a British institution. This hearty dish is made up of roasted meat (usually beef, pork, chicken, or lamb) served with roasted vegetables (typically potatoes, carrots, and broccoli) alongside stuffing, savory Yorkshire puddings, and lashings of gravy. Top picks include Hawksmoor for its duck fat roast potatoes and bone marrow gravy, the Jugged Hare for its rotisserie-cooked game, and the Harwood Arms, London's first Michelin-starred pub.

5. Catch a Famous Film Festival

The festival has been going strong for more than 60 years and is known for its diversity, including feature films, short films from both established and new talent, and international and European premieres.

6. Explore London's Haunted Spots

Explore London's spooky side at Halloween with a visit to one of the city's many haunted houses, pubs, and theaters. Highlights include the almost 500 years old Sutton House and Breaker's Yard, a former house and school in Hackney where ghosts have been spotted roaming the oak-paneled rooms; Theatre Royal on Drury Lane for star-studded sightings (currently closed for renovation) and Highgate Cemetery where a 7-foot-tall vampire and a floating nun are said to haunt the gothic tombs.

7. Sample Dishes at London's Best Restaurants

Several restaurants offer great value meal deals throughout the month so it's an ideal time to take a bite out of London's dining scene.

8. See Fireworks Light Up the Sky

The date marks the foiled Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament and assassinate the protestant King James I to replace him with a Catholic head of state. At Bonfire Night events, you'll likely see effigies of Fawkes on top of bonfires, and you can try traditional food like toffee apples, parkin cake (gingerbread), treacle (molasses) toffee, and baked potatoes.

9. Immerse the Kids in Harry Potter

Spend a beautiful fall day behind the scenes and watch the variety of movies, including the Gryffindor common room, the Hagrid thermal hut, the boys' dorms, and more. In addition, kids will love to see costumes and props as well as learn how special effects and electronic animation bring such huge international success to the series.

10. Get a Taste of Africa

At the famous Trafalgar Square in late October, see Africa on Square, in honor of the Black History Month. You will enjoy a taste of African music and dance from across Africa, crafts, markets and many food stalls. Children can enjoy the talent show for young artists and face painting, as well as participate in free workshops on making mosaics and dyeing batik-style clothes.

The above are the travel destinations we think will suit you. Wishing you a journey of lots of fun and happiness. And here are top 10 things to do in London in the Fall.


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